For Immediate Release
January 29, 2025: The 2025 Respect Life Essay Contest has begun! For the second year, the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee will be encouraging students from all Catholic parishes or schools in Ulster County in 7th or 8th Grade, High School or College, as well as high school students at Mount Academy in Esopus, to submit their essays to the Committee for cash prizes.

Students in the 7th & 8th Grade Level are asked to research and describe the witness of a saint or blessed individual whose pro-life witness is admirable. Their essays have a 500-word limit and the prize is $150.

High School students have a similar prompt but their essays have a 750-word limit and a prize of $250.

College students are asked to prove that, if being pro-life were to become a crime, they would be able to be convicted of it. They have a 1000-word limit and a $400 prize.

In 2024, the Essay Contest’s Inaugural Year, there were multiple entrants at each level, all displaying strong writing and thinking. The 7th & 8th Grade Level Winner was Brennen Banbury, a parishioner at St. Joseph Parish in Kingston and a student at Kingston Catholic School. The High School Level Winner was Luke Railing, a parishioner of St. Augustine in Highland and a homeschooled student. The College Level Winner was Michael Patrick Griffin, a parishioner of St. Mary/St. Andrew in Ellenville and a student at SUNY Ulster.

The Chair of the Essay Contest Committee, Beth Safford, is excited about this year’s contest. “We have a great set of questions for the students, and judging by last year’s entries, I’m sure we’ll have an amazing set of essays. Young people especially are looking for something heroic to do with their lives and we want them to see that the pro-life message is heroic and hopeful.”
Moderator of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee Deacon Jack Carr agrees. “Our Committee is dedicated to changing hearts and minds and this Essay Contest is perfect for that. We hope that young people will learn and grapple with these difficult issues as they research their essays and prepare what we hope will be passionate defenses of deeply held beliefs. We look forward to learning from what our young people have to say.”

The deadline for the Essay Contest is just before midnight on April 14, 2025. 
Details can be found at the Committee’s website or by contacting

Parishioners from St. Mary-St. Andrew’s Church, including our honoree Anthony Pinque, in Ellenville, New York, went to the March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 24th.  "We are excited and uplifted to see UDRLC members and parishioners from parishes in our own Ulster County attend this march.  Their tireless efforts and the efforts of so many others keep the message of the dignity of human life from natural conception to natural death front and center," said Dcn. John Carr, Moderator of the UDRLC.  "May Almighty God continue to bless them as they make the Pro-Life cause known and heard."      

Pictures provided by St. Mary-St. Andrew parishioner Ramona Rodriguez.


Contact:  Dcn. John Carr or Mrs. Colleen Toder


Albany, New York (January 14, 2025) The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (, which coordinates the pro-life activities of various Catholic parishes in Ulster County, New York, sent members to Albany for the Governor’s State of the State Address to meet with legislators and voice their opposition to the Medical Aid in Dying Act (A136/S138). 

UDRLC members met with Jessica Rodgers from the New York Alliance Against Assisted Suicide (NYAAAS) at the legislative office building to get t-shirts to wear. They took printed materials to leave in the legislative offices.  Working in teams, they were able to cover all the offices of Assembly members and Senators.

Along the way, they met with staff from Assemblyman Brian Maher’s office, who is a good friend of the UDRLC and the pro-life movement. Altogether there were about 20 people, including two doctors, with NYAAS who were able to stay and demonstrate prominently before the legislators as they made their way to the Governor’s speech.

Colleen Toder, a UDRLC member who was in Albany said, “Being in Albany today was important. We were able to connect with people from different organizations and work in solidarity on this difficult and emotional issue. It was great to have young people with us as well as doctors and older people.”

Dcn. John Carr, Moderator of the UDRLC commented, "I am particularly proud of our members who were able to head to Albany.  We are not surprised to see this proposed legislation come up again, but we will continue to be vigilant and to advocate for the lives of our sick, elderly, disabled, and lonely neighbors against the false compassion of ‘assisted suicide’ as the cure for their ills.  We will continue to monitor this bill and to voice opposition to its passage."  

The pictures attached to this release were taken by Mrs. Colleen Toder.


Jan. 16, 2025 (Kingston, N.Y.)  -  The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee reminds Catholics and others of good will that Wednesday, January 22 is the annual National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children declared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in light of the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 22, 1973 that imposed abortion-on-demand across America.  Although the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling in June 2022 by the High Court returned the abortion issue to the states, our struggle continues to restore legal and social protection to preborn human children. 


January 16, 2025 (Port Ewen and Esopus, N.Y.) - In support of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' dedication of January 22nd of every year as the Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish invites all people of good will, families and individuals alike, to its prayerful programming at its two churches that day.  "Although the Roe v. Wade decision of Jan. 22, 1973 was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 by its Dobbs v. Jackson ruling," stated Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish, "much work needs to be done prayerfully and practically to foster legal and cultural respect for the life and personhood of the preborn child in America."  

To that end, two Masses will be offered at Sacred Heart Church: 8 a.m. in the Ordinary Form and 11:30 a.m. in the Extraordinary Form, with confessions heard from 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.  Additionally, at Presentation Church, our parish's pro-life prayer group, the Prayer Warriors for Life, will meet for its prayer session at 10 a.m.  Flags at both churches will be flown at half-mast as part of the Day of Prayer's penitential spirit as well as in reparation and protest of New York's gross support of abortion, as reinforced by the tragic passage of Proposal One in November 2024. "Locally, our parish cooperates actively with the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (," added Fr. Rojas, who was succeeded as Moderator of the U.D.R.L.C. on January 1st, 2025 by Dcn. John Carr of St. Mary-St. Peter's Parish at Kingston, New York.

Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish ( serves the town of Esopus in Ulster County, New York via Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church at 209 Hoyt Street, Port Ewen, and Sacred Heart Church at 1055 Broadway, Esopus.  The Port Ewen site is home also to the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Hudson.  

[Photo taken from a past Life Chain of our parish at Sacred Heart Church, Esopus]

Rev. Fr. Arthur F. Rojas
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Sacred Heart Parish
Port Ewen and Esopus, New York

(Holy Hour for the Nation on the vigil of Inauguration Day)

Contact:      Fr. Arthur F. Rojas

January 15, 2025 (Port Ewen, N.Y.) - As acts of faith and trust in God's ultimate sovereignty, Sacred Scripture exhorts us to pray for our leaders, even when we disagree with them, such as Jeremiah 29:7 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4.  "Recalling our Holy Hour for the Nation on the night before Election Day 2024, our parish invites everyone of good will, families and individuals, to another Holy Hour for the Nation on January 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Presentation Church, 209 Hoyt Street, Port Ewen," announced Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart parish (Port Ewen-Esopus).

The evening of January 19 is effectively the vigil before Inauguration Day at Washington, D.C. for the President, Vice President, and by extension, other officers of the executive branch of our federal government.  "However, we too will pray for our U.S. representatives, senators, federal judges, as well as our state and local officials who are starting their terms or have been returned to public office," assured Fr. Rojas.  

Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish ( serves the town of Esopus, New York via Presentation Church at Port Ewen and Sacred Heart Church at Esopus.  The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Hudson is located on the grounds of Presentation Church at Port Ewen.  

(Photo below: image of Our Lady of the Hudson at the altar of the National Shrine of the Hudson.)

Rev. Fr. Arthur F. Rojas
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Sacred Heart Parish
Port Ewen and Esopus, New York

Photo of the image of Our Lady of the Hudson at the altar of the National Shrine of the Hudson

Contact:  Fr. Arthur F. Rojas or Robert Smith


Highland and New Paltz, New York (October 28, 2024) -  The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee 
(, which coordinates the pro-life activities of various Catholic parishes in Ulster County, New York, held its annual Respect Life Mass on the evening of Friday, October 25 at St. Augustine's Church, Highland.  With a mix of 150 English and Spanish speakers in attendance, the Mass was followed by the U.D.R.L.C.'s Annual Respect Life Dinner later that evening at Novella's restaurant at New Paltz.  164 persons were in attendance at the restaurant.

"Our Committee sponsors a special Mass every year to ground the advocacy of Catholic pro-lifers in our county in deep prayer," disclosed Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C., who served as main celebrant and bilingual preacher of the Mass.  Accompanied by several clerics from Ulster and Orange counties, Fr. Rojas further expressed thanks to the pastor of St. Augustine's Church, Fr. John Lynch, for lending his church and choir for the occasion.  Dcn. John Carr, a cleric serving St. Mary's parish in Kingston, and U.D.R.L.C. Deputy Moderator, served as bilingual deacon of the Mass.

Following the Mass, the U.D.R.L.C. decamped to Novella's Restaurant at New Paltz for its Annual Dinner, which features as guest speaker, Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz, Campaign Director of the Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y, (, which is the pre-eminent statewide opposition to the controversial Proposal One on the New York state ballot on November 5th.  Chaplain Kreutz explained the risks of Proposal One to parental rights over the upbringing and medical treatment of their children, the integrity of girls' sports, and the right to life of preborn children.   Her remarks were greatly appreciated by the crowd, which also took palm cards, buttons, pamphlets, and lawn signs to distribute all around Ulster County.  Chaplain Kreutz gratefully complimented the U.D.R.L.C. for the breadth and depth of its efforts against Proposal One.  An attendee at the dinner, former Wawarsing Councilman Paul Tuzzolino, exulted, "I am proud of the Catholic Church in Ulster County," referring to the teamwork of the U.D.R.L.C. and various parishes against Proposal One.

Also at the dinner, which included Town of Wawarsing Supervisor Terry Houck in attendance, a numerous contingent of parishioners from St. Mary-St. Andrew's Church (Ellenville, cheered its fellow parishioner, Anthony Pinque, who was the U.D.R.L.C.'s honoree for 2024.  The chairman of the Dinner and Journal Teams of the U.D.R.L.C., Robert Smith (Our Lady of Fatima, Plattekill,, was surprised by the U.D.R.L.C. with a special recognition plaque "for his heroic labors for the Committee these last two years," explained Fr. Rojas.  Finally, the design of the U.D.R.L.C.'s Annual Journal by Colleen Toder (St. Augustine's, Highland, was noted most gratefully by Fr. Rojas to the crowd and augmented with a floral offering to Mrs. Toder.

Serving the Ulster Deanery of the Archdiocese of New York, which is coterminous with Ulster County, the U.D.R.L.C. coordinates the prayerful and practical pro-life activities of various Catholic parishes along with its cooperation with non-Catholic social actors such as the Bruderhof Communities, which sent a delegation to the Annual Dinner. 

(Left to right)  The Annual Dinner attracted a range of pro-life figures such as Gerard Crosson, Suffolk Vice Chairman (Long Island Coalition for Life), Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz (Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y.), Anthony Pinque (U.D.R.L.C. honoree for 2024 from Ellenville), Robert Smith (Our Lady of Fatima, Plattekill), and Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish, Port Ewen-Esopus, New York.  (Photo taken by James O'Connell)
(2024 Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee Annual Dinner Event - Mass at St. Augustine's Parish in Highland, NY.
Photos taken by Catherine Parrinello)

(2024 Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee Annual Dinner Event - Photos taken by Manuela Mihailescu)

A sign urging a NO vote on Proposal One flanks an icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Baby Jesus on the grounds of Sacred Heart Church, Esopus.  (credit to Fr. A.F. Rojas)
Cerca al icono de Nuestra Señora con el Niño Dios en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón en Esopus, se nota un letrero animando a los feligreses y vecinos locales de votar NO a la Propuesta Uno el 5 de noviembre.  (Foto tomada por Padre A.F. Rojas)

Contact:   Fr. Arthur F. Rojas


Highland, New York (October 21, 2024) -  Catholics and other pro-life neighbors of good will in Ulster County and throughout the Hudson Valley are welcome to attend the annual Respect Life Mass sponsored by the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (, which is scheduled on Friday, October 25th at 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine's Church, Highland.  "Our annual Mass reminds us to ground our countywide pro-life efforts in prayer," stated Fr. Arthur Rojas, moderator and spiritual director of the U.D.R.L.C.  Added Fr. Rojas, "We are grateful to Fr. John Lynch, pastor of St. Augustine's Church, for lending us the church as the venue."

In addition to the spiritual and liturgical foundation of the local Catholic pro-life movement in Ulster County demonstrated anew at the Respect Life Mass on Friday, October 25th, the Mass will be followed by the U.D.R.L.C.'s Annual Respect Life Dinner at 7 p.m. at Novella's restaurant, New Paltz.  In light with previous publicity, no tickets will be sold at the door as prior reservation was required.  The guest speaker will be Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz, executive director of the Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y. ( or the statewide campaign in opposition to Proposal One ("Equal Rights Amendment") on the New York ballot on November 5th.  This year's honoree is Mr. Anthony Pinque, a veteran pro-life activist from St. Mary-St. Andrew's Church in Ellenville.  The U.D.R.L.C. has cooperated for months with the Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y. against Proposal One, which has been misnamed as the "Equal Rights Amendment," with its aims of enshrining abortion-on-demand and gender theory into the state constitution of New York.

The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee coordinates pro-life activities of various Catholic parishes in the Ulster Deanery of the Archdiocese of New York, which is coterminous with Ulster County.  The efforts of the U.D.R.L.C. have included the issues of abortion and euthanasia, among others.  The U.D.R.L.C.'s rising profile in the pro-life movement in the Hudson Valley, including cooperation with non-Catholic actors such as the Bruderhof Communities, have led to its nickname as the "North Star" of the Catholic pro-life movement in the Archdiocese of New York.


Comunicarse:    Padre Arthur F. Rojas

Highland, Nueva York (21 de octubre del 2024) - Se anticipa este viernes, 25 de octubre la celebración anual de la Misa "Respeto a la Vida Humana" de parte del "Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee" (Comite Pro-Vida del Decanato de Ulster,, o sea el comité que coordina las actividades de varias parroquias católicas del condado de Ulster afiliadas a la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York.  <<Le agradecemos al Padre John Lynch, el párroco de San Agustin en Highland, por prestarnos el templo como sede de esta Santa Misa," comento' Padre Arthur F. Rojas, Moderador y Director Espiritual del comité.  Toda persona, sea católica o no católica, de buena voluntad pro-vida será bienvenida a la Misa, le aseguró el Padre Rojas.

Acerca del 25 de octubre, la Misa servirá de fundamento espiritual para el Banquete Anual Pro-Vida del comité, que se celebrará en el restaurante "Novella's" en New Paltz a las 7 p.m.  No habrá cupos a la venta a la entrada, según publicidad previa exigiendo reservaciones de antemano.  Se anticipa el discurso de la capellana Ayesha Kreutz, directora ejecutiva de la "Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y." ( o sea la oposición a través del estado a la Propuesta Uno en la papeleta electoral de Nueva York del 5 de noviembre.  El Comite Pro-Vida del Decanato de Ulster ha colaborado por meses con la "Coalition" en contra de la Propuesta Uno, que busca  meter el aborto legal y la teoria del genero en la constitucion estatal de Nueva York.  El homenajeado de la Cena será el Sr. Anthony Pinque, un activista pro-vida por muchos años de la parroquia de Santa Maria-San Andres de Ellenville (, donde también hay bastante comunidad hispana.

El "Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee" abandera los esfuerzos en pro del respeto legal y social de la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural mediante varias parroquias católicas del condado de Ulster y además ha colaborado hacia ese fin con fuerzas sociales como las comunidades de los protestantes "Bruderhof."

The U.D.R.L.C. will hold its annual Respect Life Mass on Friday, October 25th at 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine's Church, Highland, New York.  All people of good will are welcome to the Mass with no prior registration required.  Prior reservation is required to attend the U.D.R.L.C.'s Annual Dinner later that evening at Novella's restaurant at New Paltz, where veteran pro-life activist Anthony Pinque from Ellenville will be honored and the guest speaker will be Ayesha Kreutz, the Executive Director of the Coalition to Protect Lids N.Y.  For more information on reserving tickets or journal ads, please visit:   or contact Robert Smith at   

                                                      No tickets or ads will be sold at the door, so prior reservations are mandatory.



Contact:   Fr. Arthur F. Rojas

Port Ewen, N.Y. (Oct. 6, 2024) -  At ten sites along the highways and byways of Ulster County, eight Catholic parishes cooperated with the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee ( to prayerfully and publicly remind motorists and passers-by of the need to respect God's gift of human life from conception until natural death.  These "prayer chains" and similar demonstrations take place across America on the first Sunday of October as part of Respect Life Month in October, a month so dedicated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (  "As part of our coordination of the pro-life activities of various parishes in the Ulster Deanery of the Archdiocese of New York, the U.D.R.L.C. encourages parishes to broadcast a prayerful and public pro-life message via prayer chains on Respect Life Sunday," explained Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C.

The largest demonstration of pro-life witness took place at Ellenville, where St. Mary-St. Andrew's Church ( held its prayer chain on Route 209 with the support of almost 60 people of various ages, in addition to a smaller prayer chain in front of its mission Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at Kerhonkson, several miles to the east on Route 209.  "Our parishioners have grown in their commitment to the pro-life cause not only with prayer but also to volunteer their personal and public witness," stated Fr. Kenneth L. Riello, pastor of St. Mary-St. Andrew's parish.

In addition to the prayer chains at Ellenville and Kerhonkson along Route 209, prayer chains were held in Ulster County by participating parishes in Plattekill, Highland, Esopus, Port Ewen, Kingston (two prayer chains there), Lake Katrine, and Rosendale.  At some of the prayer chains, in addition to the usual pro-life messages, there were signs urging voters to reject the controversial Proposal One on the New York state ballot on November 5th.  Out of concern that the proposed amendment to the New York State constitution would enshrine abortion-on-demand as well as gender theory, thus further encroaching on the right to life as well as parental rights and the integrity of girls' sports, the U.D.R.L.C. encouraged parish-based prayer chains to urge voters to vote "no" on Proposal One, as shown recently with its bilingual billboard for the month of October on Route 9W southbound in Ulster Park.  

On Friday, October 25th, the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee will further help Catholics and other people of pro-life good will to observe Respect Life Month with its annual Respect Life Mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine's Church in Highland.  At 7 p.m., the U.D.R.L.C. will hold its annual Respect Life Dinner at Novella's restaurant in New Paltz, for which tickets will not be sold at the door, so prior reservation will be required.  The guest speaker will be Mrs. Ayesha Kreutz, Executive Director of the Coalition to Protect Kids N.Y. (, which is the statewide opposition campaign to Proposal One with whom the U.D.R.L.C. is cooperating.  Mr. Anthony Pinque, a veteran pro-life activist from Ellenville, is the scheduled honoree. For more information, please visit or inquire via Mr. Robert Smith.
                         The front of Sacred Heart Church on route 9W northbound at Esopus featured a prayer chain led by Dcn. Timothy L. Dean 
                          - (picture taken by Fr. A.F. Rojas)


The Society of Family Planning (SFP) states that the US now has over 100,000 abortions monthly. This increase is most likely due to the increased use of the abortion pill. On Sept. 17, S.4445, the Right to IVF Act, failed to get the 60 Senate votes needed to pass. This bill has even less restraints on “assisted reproductive tech” than the similar HR.7056/S.3612. Senate Bill S.4445 allows cloning, 3-parent children, human-animal hybrids and more.


On Sept. 24, American Life League released a report entitled, Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel. The report reveals foreign-made (India, China) abortion pills are being mailed into 28 US states by offshore organizations such as Las Libres (Mexico) and Medside24 (Kazakhstan) for a ‘suggested donation’ – no prescription or ID needed. It’s organized by the US-based Plan C website, from states that shield abortion providers. No parental notification is needed. The White House Office of Legal Counsel said in 2022 that abortion pills can be mailed, despite the Comstock Act, and the FDA (2023) relaxed the rules for dispensing the pills.

ABORTION PILL DRUG CARTEL American Life League (ALL) recently issued a report entitled, “Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Drug Cartel.” The report notes that since the Dobbs decision, abortions done by the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone and misoprostol) – medication abortion – have become the most prevalent abortion method in the United States. The (pro-abortion) Guttmacher Institute reported that in 2023, 63% of all abortions were done by pills. The CEO of Planned Parenthood stated that 70% of its abortion patients choose the abortion pill. ALL researched how so many people are accessing these pills and found that a pill network is funneling these drugs in from other countries to states with “abortion bans.” ALL noted, “To the casual observer, this pill network is modeled after the drug cartel, creating an abortion pill crisis similar to our nation’s narcotics crisis... [the ALL report] seeks to expose the abortion pill drug cartel and prove there is no such thing as an abortion-free state in the US. It also seeks to detail other more conventional methods of obtaining these pills. Finally, the report will shed light on the lack of action for this crisis, leaving us to ask: Why are state and local governments turning a blind eye to baby killing?” The “Key Takeaways” from this report are: *The abortion pill regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol can be accessed in all 50 states and US territories due to the FDA’s 2023 removal of in-person regulations to obtain abortion pills. *Networks of abortion providers and volunteers are working as drug dealers via the Internet and US postal system and are illegally sending these pills to customers. *Abortion regulations have not and will not work to stop abortion pills from being sold. *The United States Post Office, the FDA and other US government agencies have neglected to investigate these individual networks of volunteers that provide abortion pills illegally and consistently through the mailing system. For the full report see:


Many pro-lifers may recall the eye-opening 2009 documentary film Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America, produced by the provocative and educational pro-life group Life Dynamics, led by the late Mark Crutcher. That film exposed the eugenic roots of the pro-abortion movement and Planned Parenthood.

Now, a new documentary film is bringing these truths to light in a fresh and compelling way for a new generation, exposing the evils of Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger, in an effort to expose the “culture of death” impacting so many aspects of our society today. Presented by The White Rose Resistance and led by pro-life speaker and author Seth Gruber, The 1916 Project film and book are “a call for Christians and conservatives to confront this evil, defend the sanctity of life, and restore America’s foundational values—faith, family, and freedom.”

The film’s website states, “Elites have been lying to us for over 100 years corrupting the American family through one organization. That organization receives over $600 million a year through our tax payer funding.”

STUDENTS FOR LIFE: Pro-lifers must keep fighting after election victories - CatholicVote org / 11-9-2024.

CV NEWS FEED // In the wake of the 2024 election, the president of Students for Life of America is calling on pro-life advocates to remain engaged, emphasizing that despite recent victories, the movement still faces significant challenges ahead. In a November 6 letter, Kristan Hawkins celebrated one of the biggest wins for the pro-life movement, which came from Florida. The state’s extreme abortion amendment was defeated, an outcome anticipated to save tens of thousands of lives this year. This victory was hard-won, Hawkins reported, with support from Gov. Ron DeSantis and key contributions from pro-life groups. Other pro-life measures succeeded too, including the defeat of late-term abortion ballot initiatives in South Dakota and Nebraska and pro-life candidates winning critical U.S. Senate seats and state races. Despite these successes, Hawkins warned, challenges lie ahead. “Abortion extremism lost but, in many places, abortion moderatism won,” she said. Students for Life is setting its sights on states like Arizona and Missouri, where pro-abortion constitutional amendments passed amid “lies and fear-mongering” by the abortion lobby. “GOP leadership in those states MUST step up,” Hawkins said, “and we’ve got to get to work changing culture.”

Respect Life Office / 11-12-2024.

Join us in advocating for the sacred dignity of every human person at the national March for Life in Washington, DC on Friday, January 24, 2025. You are welcome to join the Sisters of Life and other pilgrims on this year's day bus pilgrimage sponsored by the Respect Life Office. Come, stand with us in prayerful, public witness on behalf of the most vulnerable. Let us testify to the goodness and beauty of life!

Human Life Action / A project of NCHLA / PO Box 34116 Washington, DC 20043

571.730.8957 / / Loretta Fleming, Executive Director / 11/12/2024

Ten states voted on ballot initiatives that sought to amend the state constitution by inserting a right to abortion. Thankfully, three states (Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota) blocked the bad initiatives from passing. Six of the states (Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, and New York) will now have a right to abortion as part of their state constitutions and one state (Nevada), by approving its referendum, has completed the first of two steps for passing an amendment and will again vote on its initiative in 2026.

Colorado and Maryland declared a right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, with Colorado adding a clause allowing the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions. New York instituted various rights, including abortion up through 24 weeks without discrimination with regard to ethnicity, age, disability, and gender identity, and after 24 weeks IF the person’s health is at risk.  Montana is similar in that it prohibits the government from denying or burdening the right to abortion before viability (about 24 weeks) and prohibits interference after 24 weeks if a “healthcare professional” determines the abortion is necessary. The Montana amendment also prevents government from penalizing patients, healthcare providers or anyone who assists someone in exercising this right.

The losses in Arizona and Missouri are a bit more devastating because of the protections for the unborn that were already in state law.  With the passage of the amendments, Arizona went from restricting abortion after 15 weeks to restricting any state interference with abortion up through fetal viability (about 24 weeks). Missouri went from protecting all unborn children to establishing a “right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives, without any governmental interference.”  Both states eliminated the protections that existed in law for women and children.

The presumption exists that abortion proponents will try to keep marching through the states with citizen ballot initiatives (where such initiatives are possible), will raise legal challenges in the courts and will attempt to push permissive bills through state assemblies. They will continue misrepresenting to citizens that the “choice” should be for abortion with no restrictions and will seek to prevent legislators from regulating abortion in any meaningful way.

And yet, this is not a time to be discouraged. Progress in the post-Roe world created by Dobbs will take determination, perseverance, and hard work. Facing the challenges before us, we must create plans to educate people on the deadly proposals that abortion proponents are pushing and, above all, on the possibilities before us to nourish and protect the lives of the most vulnerable among us. A majority of citizens are not looking for abortion on demand or abortion without restrictions.  In the same way, people also understand the need to protect young girls from abusers and predators through parental and informed consent.

With the newly elected Congress, opportunities may arise to further defend life and the vulnerable among us and we must be ready to take advantage and act. Let us learn from the success of the three states that fended off the abortion amendments and work to make a future that respects life at all stages of development!

Students for Life of America /1000 Winchester St., Suite 301 / Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Office: 540.834.4600 / 11-15-2024

The moment students set foot on campus; the Abortion Goliath bombards college students with lies . . .
Lies about "safe sex." Lies about "if it feels good, do it." And finally – and most devastatingly – lies about the "clump of cells" that result from this lifestyle and for which there is only one solution: abortion.
Young people NEED to see the reality of abortion. Peter, Planned Parenthood committed 392,715 abortions in 2022 alone. Those killings netted them a profit of $250 million – a "profit" of hundreds of dollars for each life they destroy. 392,715 abortions work out to 1,076 little boys and girls. Planned Parenthood knows exactly what they’re doing when they place nearly 90% of their abortion mills within walking distance of college campuses. Right Now, just by walking across campus from their dorm room to the classroom, countless college students are walking right into a trap set by Planned Parenthood.

It’s a trap that ends in pain, regret, and the bloodshed of millions of preborn babies every year.


At the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) plenary session this week, Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, who chairs the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, delivered an address highlighting the ongoing challenges in defending the sanctity of life. “Recent campaigns and elections, and state ballot initiatives, have shown that abortion continues to be debated within our nation,” Bishop Burbidge said. “Sadly, many states continue to enshrine abortion in their state constitutions.”  Despite these challenges, he encouraged the bishops to remain steadfast in their efforts. Quoting Pope Francis’ recent document Dignitas Infinita, Bishop Burbidge underscored the Church’s long-standing teaching on the need to protect the unborn as “the most defenseless and innocent among us.” He pointed to the Pope’s assessment of the way in which the human dignity of the unborn is denied and violated, citing the Pontiff’s words: “Nowadays, efforts are made to deny them their human dignity and to do with them whatever one pleases, taking their lives and passing laws preventing anyone from standing in the way of this.” The Bishop praised Dignitas Infinita for its clarity on the immorality of abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. “Our defense of the lives of preborn children necessitates our commitment to serve and support their mothers before and after birth, because we are for every woman, we are for every child,” he said.


Planned Parenthood pharmacy PPRx, on the campus of the Planned Parenthood Akron Health Center and operated by Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (PPGO), is being tested as a “blueprint for Planned Parenthood sites across the country. If successful, PPRx could expand beyond Akron in the next year or two. The Planned Parenthood pharmacy, which will “offer a wide range of prescription medications,” is open to the public and shows a registration issue date 1/10/2024 from the Ohio Board of Pharmacy. But this pharmacy wasn’t truly founded with a “wide range” of prescription medications in mind. The Planned Parenthood pharmacy claims it will offer “vaccinations, including COVID-19 vaccines and flu shots, overdose prevention medications, over the counter (OTC) medications, HIV prevention medications, like PrEP and PEP, Gender-affirming hormone therapy medications,” according to the website.


Biden gives Presidential Medal of Freedom to former Planned Parenthood president. Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood, has been issued the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Joe Biden. During her 12-year tenure leading Planned Parenthood (from 2006 until she resigned in 2018), she presided over the abortion deaths of nearly four million preborn children.

Richard’s not-so- “inspiring” legacy. While Richards’ work may have impressed pro-abortion President Joe Biden, it was far from the “inspiring legacy” he portrayed it to be. Under Richards…

  1. Planned Parenthood falsely claimed the organization provided mammograms.
  2. Planned Parenthood continued to honor the organization’s white supremacist founder Margaret Sanger, despite years of being well aware of her beliefs.
  3. Planned Parenthood was rife with accusations of abuses, scandals, fraud, racism, privacy breaches, and Medicaid fraud.
  4. Planned Parenthood covered up child sexual abuse, failing to protect children by not following mandatory reporting laws.
  5. Planned Parenthood was caught in an alleged fetal tissue selling scheme by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). In fact, as previously documented by Live Action News, Cecile Richards apologized on video for the “tone” of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who was shown munching on salad in the first CMP video while discussing her method of strategically “crushing” above and below a baby’s abdomen during an abortion in order to obtain undamaged fetal organs for procurement agencies.

Tragically, under Richards, Planned Parenthood committed an average of 325,000 abortions every year.


La Sociedad de Planificación Familiar (SFP) afirma que en Estados Unidos se realizan más de 100.000 abortos al mes. Este aumento probablemente se deba al mayor uso de la píldora abortiva. El 17 de septiembre, la S.4445, la Ley del Derecho a la FIV, no logró los 60 votos del Senado necesarios para aprobarse. Este proyecto de ley tiene incluso menos restricciones sobre la “tecnología de reproducción asistida” que el similar HR.7056/S.3612. El proyecto de ley del Senado S.4445 permite la clonación, los hijos con tres padres, los híbridos humano-animal y más.

El 24 de septiembre, la Liga Estadounidense por la Vida publicó un informe titulado Bajo la superficie: Exponiendo el cártel de la droga de la píldora abortiva. El informe revela que las píldoras abortivas de fabricación extranjera (India, China) están siendo enviadas por correo a 28 estados de EE. UU. por organizaciones extranjeras como Las Libres (México) y Medside24 (Kazajstán) a cambio de una "donación sugerida" (no se necesita receta ni identificación). Está organizado por el sitio web Plan C, con sede en EE. UU., desde estados que protegen a los proveedores de abortos. No se necesita notificación a los padres. La Oficina de Asesoría Jurídica de la Casa Blanca dijo en 2022 que las píldoras abortivas se pueden enviar por correo, a pesar de la Ley Comstock, y la FDA (2023) relajó las reglas para dispensar las píldoras.

EL CÁRTEL DE LAS PÍLDORAS ABORTIVAS La American Life League (ALL) publicó recientemente un informe titulado "Bajo la superficie: exponiendo el cártel de las drogas abortivas".

El informe señala que desde la decisión Dobbs, los abortos realizados con el régimen de píldoras abortivas (mifepristona y misoprostol) -aborto con medicamentos- se han convertido en el método de aborto más frecuente en los Estados Unidos. El Instituto Guttmacher (proabortista) informó que en 2023, el 63% de todos los abortos se realizaron con pastillas. El director ejecutivo de Planned Parenthood afirmó que el 70% de sus pacientes que abortan eligen la píldora abortiva. ALL investigó cómo tantas personas acceden a estas píldoras y descubrió que una red de píldoras está canalizando estos medicamentos desde otros países a estados con “prohibiciones del aborto”. ALL señaló: “Para el observador casual, esta red de píldoras está modelada según el cartel de la droga, creando una crisis de píldoras abortivas similar a la crisis de narcóticos de nuestra nación... [el informe de ALL] busca exponer al cartel de la droga de las píldoras abortivas y demostrar que no existe un estado libre de abortos en los EE. UU. También busca detallar otros métodos más convencionales para obtener estas píldoras. Finalmente, el informe arrojará luz sobre la falta de acción para esta crisis, dejándonos con la pregunta: ¿Por qué los gobiernos estatales y locales hacen la vista gorda ante el asesinato de bebés?” Las “conclusiones clave” de este informe son: *El régimen de píldoras abortivas de mifepristona y misoprostol se puede obtener en los 50 estados y territorios de EE. UU. debido a que la FDA eliminó en 2023 las regulaciones para obtener píldoras abortivas en persona. *Las redes de proveedores de abortos y voluntarios están trabajando como traficantes de drogas a través de Internet y el sistema postal de EE. UU. y están enviando ilegalmente estas píldoras a los clientes. *Las regulaciones sobre el aborto no han funcionado y no funcionarán para detener la venta de píldoras abortivas. *La Oficina Postal de los Estados Unidos, la FDA y otras agencias del gobierno de EE. UU. han descuidado la investigación de estas redes individuales de voluntarios que proporcionan píldoras abortivas de manera ilegal y constante a través del sistema de correo. Para ver el informe completo, consulte:

Muchos pro-vida pueden recordar el revelador documental de 2009 Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America, producido por el provocativo y educativo grupo pro-vida Life Dynamics, dirigido por el difunto Mark Crutcher. Ese documental expuso las raíces eugenésicas del movimiento pro-aborto y Planned Parenthood.
Ahora, un nuevo documental está sacando a la luz estas verdades de una manera fresca y convincente para una nueva generación, exponiendo los males de Planned Parenthood y su fundadora, Margaret Sanger, en un esfuerzo por exponer la “cultura de la muerte” que afecta a tantos aspectos de nuestra sociedad actual. Presentado por 'The White Rose Resistance' La Resistencia de la Rosa Blanca, liderada por el orador y autor pro-vida Seth Gruber, la película y el libro The 1916 Project son “un llamado a los cristianos y conservadores para enfrentar este mal, defender la santidad de la vida y restaurar los valores fundamentales de Estados Unidos: la fe, la familia y la libertad”.
El sitio web de la película dice: “Las élites nos han estado mintiendo durante más de 100 años corrompiendo a la familia estadounidense a través de una organización. Esa organización recibe más de $600 millones al año a través de nuestro financiamiento de los contribuyentes”.

ESTUDIANTES POR LA VIDA: Los pro-vida deben seguir luchando después de las victorias electorales - CatholicVote org / 11-9-2024.  NOTICIAS DE CV //

A raíz de las elecciones de 2024, el presidente de Estudiantes por la Vida de Estados Unidos hace un llamado a los defensores de la vida a seguir comprometidos, enfatizando que a pesar de las victorias recientes, el movimiento aún enfrenta desafíos importantes por delante. En una carta del 6 de noviembre, Kristan Hawkins celebró una de las mayores victorias del movimiento pro-vida, que se produjo en Florida. La enmienda extrema del aborto del estado fue derrotada, un resultado que se prevé que salvará decenas de miles de vidas este año. Esta victoria fue ganada con esfuerzo, informó Hawkins, con el apoyo del gobernador Ron DeSantis y contribuciones clave de los grupos pro-vida. Otras medidas pro-vida también tuvieron éxito, incluida la derrota de las iniciativas de votación sobre el aborto tardío en Dakota del Sur y Nebraska y los candidatos pro-vida que ganaron escaños críticos en el Senado de los EE. UU. y carreras estatales. A pesar de estos éxitos, advirtió Hawkins, quedan desafíos por delante. "El extremismo del aborto perdió, pero, en muchos lugares, ganó el moderatismo del aborto", dijo. Students for Life está poniendo sus miras en estados como Arizona y Missouri, donde las enmiendas constitucionales pro-aborto se aprobaron en medio de "mentiras y alarmismo" por parte del lobby del aborto. "El liderazgo republicano en esos estados DEBE dar un paso al frente", dijo Hawkins, "y tenemos que ponernos a trabajar para cambiar la cultura".

Oficina de Respeto a la Vida / 11-12-2024.
Únase a nosotros para defender la sagrada dignidad de cada persona humana en la Marcha nacional por la Vida en Washington, DC, el viernes 24 de enero de 2025. Le invitamos a unirse a las Hermanas de la Vida y otros peregrinos en la peregrinación en autobús de este día patrocinada por la Oficina de Respeto a la Vida. Venga, únase a nosotros en un testimonio público y devoto en nombre de los más vulnerables. ¡Demos testimonio de la bondad y la belleza de la vida!

Acción por la vida humana / Un proyecto de NCHLA / PO Box 34116 Washington, DC 20043
571.730.8957 / / Loretta Fleming, directora ejecutiva / 11/12/2024
Diez estados votaron sobre iniciativas electorales que buscaban enmendar la constitución estatal insertando el derecho al aborto. Afortunadamente, tres estados (Florida, Nebraska y Dakota del Sur) bloquearon la aprobación de las malas iniciativas. Seis de los estados (Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana y Nueva York) tendrán ahora el derecho al aborto como parte de sus constituciones estatales y un estado (Nevada), al aprobar su referéndum, ha completado el primero de los dos pasos para aprobar una enmienda y volverá a votar sobre su iniciativa en 2026.
Colorado y Maryland declararon el derecho al aborto durante los nueve meses de embarazo, y Colorado agregó una cláusula que permite el uso de dólares de los impuestos para pagar abortos. Nueva York instituyó varios derechos, incluido el aborto hasta las 24 semanas sin discriminación con respecto a la etnia, la edad, la discapacidad y la identidad de género, y después de las 24 semanas SI la salud de la persona está en riesgo. Montana es similar en el sentido de que prohíbe al gobierno negar o gravar el derecho al aborto antes de la viabilidad (alrededor de las 24 semanas) y prohíbe la interferencia después de las 24 semanas si un "profesional de la salud" determina que el aborto es necesario. La enmienda de Montana también impide que el gobierno penalice a los pacientes, a los proveedores de atención médica o a cualquier persona que ayude a alguien a ejercer este derecho. 

Las pérdidas en Arizona y Missouri son un poco más devastadoras debido a las protecciones para los no nacidos que ya existían en la ley estatal. Con la aprobación de las enmiendas, Arizona pasó de restringir el aborto después de las 15 semanas a restringir cualquier interferencia estatal con el aborto hasta la viabilidad fetal (alrededor de las 24 semanas). Missouri pasó de proteger a todos los niños no nacidos a establecer un “derecho a tomar decisiones sobre la atención de la salud reproductiva, incluido el aborto y los anticonceptivos, sin ninguna interferencia gubernamental”. Ambos estados eliminaron las protecciones que existían en la ley para las mujeres y los niños.
Existe la presunción de que los defensores del aborto intentarán seguir avanzando por los estados con iniciativas de votación ciudadana (donde tales iniciativas sean posibles), plantearán desafíos legales en los tribunales e intentarán impulsar proyectos de ley permisivos en las asambleas estatales. Seguirán tergiversando ante los ciudadanos que la “opción” debería ser el aborto sin restricciones y buscarán evitar que los legisladores regulen el aborto de cualquier manera significativa.
Y, sin embargo, este no es un momento para desanimarse. El progreso en el mundo post-Roe creado por Dobbs requerirá determinación, perseverancia y trabajo duro. Para enfrentar los desafíos que tenemos por delante, debemos crear planes para educar a la gente sobre las propuestas mortales que los defensores del aborto están impulsando y, sobre todo, sobre las posibilidades que tenemos ante nosotros para nutrir y proteger las vidas de los más vulnerables entre nosotros. Una mayoría de ciudadanos no busca el aborto a pedido o el aborto sin restricciones. De la misma manera, la gente también entiende la necesidad de proteger a las niñas de los abusadores y depredadores mediante el consentimiento informado de los padres.
Con el Congreso recién elegido, pueden surgir oportunidades para defender aún más la vida y a los vulnerables entre nosotros y debemos estar listos para aprovecharlas y actuar. ¡Aprendamos del éxito de los tres estados que se defendieron de las enmiendas sobre el aborto y trabajemos para crear un futuro que respete la vida en todas las etapas del desarrollo!

Estudiantes por la Vida de América /1000 Winchester St., Suite 301 / Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Oficina: 540.834.4600 / 15-11-2024
En el momento en que los estudiantes ponen un pie en el campus, el Goliat del aborto bombardea a los estudiantes universitarios con mentiras...
Mentiras sobre "sexo seguro". Mentiras sobre "si te hace sentir bien, hazlo". Y, por último, y lo más devastador, mentiras sobre el "cúmulo de células" que resulta de este estilo de vida y para el que solo hay una solución: el aborto.
Los jóvenes NECESITAN ver la realidad del aborto. Peter, Planned Parenthood cometió 392.715 abortos solo en 2022. Esos asesinatos les reportaron una ganancia de 250 millones de dólares, una "ganancia" de cientos de dólares por cada vida que destruyen. 392.715 abortos dan como resultado 1.076 niños y niñas. Planned Parenthood sabe exactamente lo que hace cuando coloca casi el 90% de sus clínicas de abortos a poca distancia de los campus universitarios. En este momento, con solo caminar a través del campus desde su dormitorio hasta el aula, innumerables estudiantes universitarios están caminando directamente hacia una trampa tendida por Planned Parenthood.
Es una trampa que termina en dolor, arrepentimiento y el derramamiento de sangre de millones de bebés no nacidos cada año.

En la sesión plenaria de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB) de esta semana, el obispo Michael Burbidge de Arlington, quien preside el Comité de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB, pronunció un discurso en el que destacó los desafíos actuales en la defensa de la santidad de la vida. “Las campañas y elecciones recientes, y las iniciativas de votación estatales, han demostrado que el aborto continúa siendo debatido dentro de nuestra nación”, dijo el obispo Burbidge. “Lamentablemente, muchos estados continúan consagrando el aborto en sus constituciones estatales”. A pesar de estos desafíos, alentó a los obispos a permanecer firmes en sus esfuerzos. Citando el reciente documento del Papa Francisco Dignitas Infinita, el obispo Burbidge subrayó la enseñanza de larga data de la Iglesia sobre

El Obispo elogió la claridad de Dignitas Infinita sobre la inmoralidad del aborto, el suicidio asistido y la eutanasia. “Nuestra defensa de la vida de los niños no nacidos requiere nuestro compromiso de servir y apoyar a sus madres antes y después del nacimiento, porque estamos a favor de cada mujer, estamos a favor de cada niño”, dijo.

La farmacia PPRx de Planned Parenthood, ubicada en el campus del Centro de Salud Akron de Planned Parenthood y operada por Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (PPGO), se está probando como un "modelo para los sitios de Planned Parenthood en todo el país". Si tiene éxito, PPRx podría expandirse más allá de Akron en el próximo año o dos. La farmacia de Planned Parenthood, que "ofrecerá una amplia gama de medicamentos recetados", está abierta al público y muestra una fecha de emisión de registro del 10/1/2024 de la Junta de Farmacia de Ohio. Pero esta farmacia no se fundó realmente con una "amplia gama" de medicamentos recetados en mente. La farmacia de Planned Parenthood afirma que ofrecerá "vacunas, incluidas las vacunas COVID-19 y las vacunas contra la gripe, medicamentos para la prevención de sobredosis, medicamentos de venta libre (OTC), medicamentos para la prevención del VIH, como PrEP y PEP, medicamentos de terapia hormonal de afirmación de género", según el sitio web.

Biden entrega la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad a la expresidenta de Planned Parenthood. Cecile Richards, expresidenta de Planned Parenthood, recibió la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad de manos del presidente Joe Biden. Durante sus 12 años al frente de Planned Parenthood (desde 2006 hasta que renunció en 2018), presidió las muertes por aborto de casi cuatro millones de niños no nacidos.
El legado no tan "inspirador" de Richard. Si bien el trabajo de Richards puede haber impresionado al presidente proabortista Joe Biden, estaba lejos del "legado inspirador" que él describió como. Bajo el mando de Richards...
1. Planned Parenthood afirmó falsamente que la organización proporcionaba mamografías.
2. Planned Parenthood siguió honrando a la fundadora supremacista blanca de la organización, Margaret Sanger, a pesar de años de estar muy consciente de sus creencias.
3. Planned Parenthood estuvo plagada de acusaciones de abusos, escándalos, fraude, racismo, violaciones de la privacidad y fraude a Medicaid.
4. Planned Parenthood encubrió el abuso sexual infantil, al no proteger a los niños al no cumplir con las leyes de denuncia obligatoria.
5. Planned Parenthood fue atrapada en un supuesto esquema de venta de tejido fetal por parte del Centro para el Progreso Médico (CMP). De hecho, como documentó previamente Live Action News, Cecile Richards se disculpó en un video por el "tono" de la directora médica de Planned Parenthood, la Dra. Deborah Nucatola, quien apareció comiendo ensalada en el primer video de CMP mientras hablaba sobre su método de "aplastar" estratégicamente por encima y por debajo del abdomen de un bebé durante un aborto para obtener órganos fetales intactos para las agencias de obtención.
Trágicamente, bajo el mando de Richards, Planned Parenthood cometió un promedio de 325.000 abortos cada año.



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