Contact:   Fr. Arthur F. Rojas or Dcn. John Carr

Albany, New York - Amidst approximately 250 persons today at the New York State Capitol, the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org) fielded dozens of participants, mostly from various parishes in Ulster County as well as a few representatives from allies such as the Ulster Community College Students for Life.  "On the birthday of St. John the Baptist, who gave witness to Our Lord Jesus even before he was born (cf. Luke 1:41,44), we Ulster pro-lifers were inspired to make ourselves seen and heard on the grounds of the State Capitol today," declared Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C.  Before the U.D.R.L.C.'s bus left Port Ewen for Albany on the morning of June 24th, Holy Mass was offered at Presentation Church for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist by Fr. Rojas, whom is also pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish (Port Ewen-Esopus), and assisted by Dcn. John Carr, Deputy Moderator of the U.D.R.L.C. and a deacon at St. Mary-St. Peter's Parish, Kingston.  "In making a 21st century witness for the Gospel of Life, it is fitting that we began the day with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass," remarked Dcn. Carr.

Although the delegation from Ulster County was the largest of the groups coming from areas served by the Archdiocese of New York, U.D.R.L.C. members encountered participants from St. Joseph's Church (Yonkers), Advocates for Life (Westchester County), and parishes in Putnam County.  In addition to the march itself, which traversed the Empire State Plaza from the Children's Memorial to the grounds of the State Capitol, a rally was held once the marchers reached the end site designated by the organizers of the event (www.marchforlifeny.org)  

                                                                           Pictures below provided by Mrs. Colleen Toder.


Contacts:  Fr. Arthur F. Rojas or Mrs. Colleen Toder

June 20, 2024, Woodstock, New York -  

At the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee's general meeting held on June 18th at St. John's Church, Woodstock, New York, the regular order of business was suspended at the start of the session to announce the three winners of the Committee's 2024 Respect Life Essay Contest:  Brennen Banbury (7th and 8th Grade section), Luke Railing (High School section), and Michael Patrick Griffin (College section).  In addition to certificates for the occasion, our winners will be awarded cash prizes for their prize-winning compositions.  Exulted Dcn. John Carr, Deputy Moderator of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (U.D.R.L.C.), "Praise God for these young men and all the other participants for striving to make the case for the pro-life cause to the best of their ability."  About 30 delegates from various Catholic parishes in Ulster County along with representatives of the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel (Kingston, N.Y.) and the Bruderhof Communities were present for the meeting, which included the awards ceremony.  "Thanks to the hospitality of Fr. Thomas Kiely, pastor, and the delegates of St. John's Church at Woodstock, our organization will have met at 13 out of 14 Catholic parishes in Ulster County over the last three years, thus spreading the reach of the Catholic pro-life movement in our county," observed Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C.

Pursuant to criteria set forth by the Essay Contest Team (Mrs. Colleen Toder, Chairwoman) and approved by the Committee, contestants wrote essays in answer to questions oriented specifically to categories of 7th and 8th graders, high school students, and college students who were parishioners of Catholic parishes in Ulster County.  The high school section was opened also to all students of the Mount Academy, which is an institution of the Bruderhof Communities, which are allies of the U.D.R.L.C.  Thus, Brennen Banbury's essay was directed to "What lessons from the saints can help young people understand what it means to respect human life from conception to natural death?"  Luke Railing's composition addressed the question, "How can respect for human life at all stages of development help a young person understand how to respect his or her sexual powers?"  In light of the controversial Proposition One planned for the November ballot in New York, Michael Griffin's paper focused on "How can you help persuade your peers that respect for human life requires that we protect the unborn while loving and helping mothers in need?"  The actual essays are available for reading at the U.D.R.L.C.'s website: www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org 

Brennen Banbury is a parishioner of St. Joseph's Church in Kingston and a student at Kingston Catholic School.  Luke Railing is a parishioner of St. Augustine Church at Highland and a home-schooled student at the high school level.  Michael P. Griffin is a parishioner of St. Mary & St. Andrew's Church at Ellenville and a student at SUNY-Ulster.  Mr. Griffin is also Vice President Emeritus of the Ulster Community College Students for Life, which is an affiliate of the U.D.R.L.C.  Of the winners and, indeed, of all the participants, Mrs. Colleen Toder remarked, "The Essay Contest Team was thoroughly impressed with the quality of all the entries and is encouraged by their passion and eloquence.  The future is pro-life, and our students are already taking the lead." 

The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee coordinates the pro-life activities of Catholics from various Catholic parishes of the Ulster Deanery of the Archdiocese of New York, which is coterminous with Ulster County.  The U.D.R.L.C. has a working relationship with the Bruderhof Communities and other groups such as the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel, which is located on the grounds of Immaculate Conception Church (Kingston) and is the northernmost Perpetual Adoration chapel in the Archdiocese of New York. 

The pictures attached - credit to Robert Smith, Jr. - are of Fr. Rojas and Mrs. Toder flanking Brennen Banbury, who read his essay at the meeting, and then of young Master Banbury being joined by his proud parents Nicholas and Lori as well as Fr. Rojas and Mrs. Toder.  Master Banbury's essay dwelled on the service by St. Teresa of Calcutta to the poorest of the poor and the fellowship of St. Francis of Assisi with all of God's majestic creation.

Learn more about the U.D.R.L.C., including future announcements of the 2025 Essay Contest, at:  www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org



June 8, 2024 -  The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (U.D.R.L.C.), which coordinates the Catholic pro-life movement in Ulster County (www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org), received the news of the failure of A.995/S.2445 (a.k.a. "Medical Aid in Dying") in the legislative session at Albany with joy over a desire to protect our disabled, elderly, poor, and friendless New Yorkers from a prescription of death to their maladies. Explained Dcn. John Carr, Deputy Moderator of the U.D.R.L.C., "Anticipating the return of pro-euthanasia forces to Albany in the next session, our Committee intends to keep advocating for the lives of our sick, elderly, disabled, and lonely neighbors against the false compassion of "assisted suicide" as the cure for their ills."  

During the legislative contention over the "assisted suicide" bill at Albany and in public opinion, the U.D.R.L.C. exhorted Ulster County residents via cooperating Catholic parishes in Ulster County and allies such as the Bruderhof Communities to contact the state legislators representing Ulster County with their opposition to the bill as well as conveying such opposition locally and at Albany, most notably at a rally earlier this spring by the New York Alliance Against Assisted Suicide.  "We have raised consciousness in different corners of Ulster through efforts of prayer, distribution of signs and literature, alerts to the Catholic faithful, our website (www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org), and approaching state legislators and/or their staffs both locally and at Albany," stated Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C.  The cooperation of local organizations such as the Ladies Auxiliary of the local Ancient Order of Hibernians in writing to a number of legislators was noted as was a Letter to the Editor by U.D.R.L.C. Secretary Trevor Jones to at least one newspaper in Ulster County.  Furthermore, the U.D.R.L.C. was in regular contact with the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York since Ulster County is one of the northernmost counties of the Archdiocese.  The U.D.R.L.C. cited Assemblyman Brian Maher and Senator Peter Oberacker as especially receptive to the arguments and witness of pro-life Ulsterites.  "We will continue to hope and pray for the conversion of the other state legislators representing parts of Ulster County towards supporting the human rights of those who need help and not harm," declared Fr. Rojas, who is also the pastor of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish (Port Ewen-Esopus, N.Y.).

Among its various activities on behalf of the pro-life cause, the U.D.R.L.C. is gearing itself to join opposing forces to the so-called "Equal Rights Amendment" that may appear on the November ballot as a proposed addition to the New York state constitution.  "Just as euthanasia is marketed as "assisted suicide" or "death with dignity" to attract public support by masking the grim reality, so does the proposed "Equal Rights Amendment" aim to enshrine abortion-on-demand until birth as well as to undermine parental rights over the medical care of their children on abortion and gender dysphoria, due to the text of the proposal," asserted Fr. Rojas.  Chimed in Dcn. Carr, "New Yorkers of all faiths and even of no religious faith who shun extreme attacks on parental rights or on the humanity of preborn children should vote NO on this proposal on November 5th."

The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee coordinates the pro-life activities, both spiritual and practical, of Catholics throughout the various parishes of Ulster County.  The Committee also is concerned with issues of family and the common good and is open to cooperating with organizations with shared values and interests. 

The picture attached to this release was taken at the rally of the New York State Alliance Against Assisted Suicide at the Empire State Plaza at Albany on March 12, 2024.


The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org) is sponsoring a bus to go to the New York State March for Life, which is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024 at Albany.  Our bus will be leaving from Presentation Church, 209 Hoyt Street, Port Ewen, New York at 9:45 a.m.  Participants may leave their cars in the parish parking lot. 

Seats must be reserved as soon as possible (first come, first served) at $30 each with the following information BEFOREHAND sent to ulsterrespectlifedeanerycmte@gmail.com : Full name, contact telephone number, parish affiliation, and age.  Minors may go ONLY if accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.  Payment in cash or check made to Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee.  All marchers must be able to walk the route without a walker or a cane.

 In addition, Holy Mass will be offered at Presentation Church beforehand that day at 8:30 a.m.  All people of good will, whether going or not, are welcome to attend the Mass.  For more information, call Dcn. John Carr at (845) 527-9078.  We earnestly request all pastors of Catholic parishes in Ulster County as well as leaders of other affiliates of the Committee to publicize this information to their congregants and members.

For more information about the March for Life NY event click this link ---> March for Life NY


For Immediate Release

The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee announces the Winners of the 2024 Respect Life Essay Contest at its May 21 meeting.

Students at all Catholic parishes in Ulster County in 7th and 8th grade, high school or college were encouraged to enter the Contest, as well as high school students at the Mount Academy in Esopus.

The 7th-8th Grade Level asked the students to write about lessons from the saints that can encourage young people to respect life from conception to natural death. The Winner of the $150 Prize was Brennen Banbury, a parishioner of St. Joseph Parish in Kingston and a student at Kingston Catholic School.

The High School students were asked to explain how respect for human life at all stages of development can help young people respect their own sexual powers. The Winner of the $250 Prize was Luke Railing, a parishioner of St. Augustine Parish in Highland and a homeschooled student.

The College prompt asked students to consider how best to convince their peers that New York State should not enshrine abortion as a right in our state constitution. The Winner of the $400 Prize was Michael Patrick Griffin, a parishioner of St. Mary/St. Andrew in Ellenville and a student at SUNY Ulster.

The Winners will be awarded their Prizes and a Certificate of Award at the June meeting of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (UDRLC)

"The winners of our Essay Contest represent a budding hope of pro-life Ulster youth among the Catholics of our county," proclaimed Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the UDRLC. 

Colleen Toder, Chair of the Essay Contest Committee, agreed. "The Contest Committee was thoroughly impressed with the quality of all the entries and is encouraged by their passion and eloquence. The future is pro-life, and our students are already taking the lead," she said.

To read their submissions, please click on the links below!
Brennen Banbury Essay 7th 8th Submission.pdf Brennen Banbury Essay 7th 8th Submission.pdf
Size : 60.938 Kb
Type : pdf
Luke Railing Essay High School Submission.pdf Luke Railing Essay High School Submission.pdf
Size : 138.384 Kb
Type : pdf

U.D.R.L.C.'s 40 Hour Devotion Draws Hundreds to Plattekill for Eucharistic Adoration Tied to        Pro-Life Cause in N.Y.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 19, 2026 - Plattekill, N.Y.

CONTACTFr. Arthur Rojas at (845) 514-3703

Website: www.ulsterdeaneryrespectlife.org 


Plattekill, N.Y. -  As the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (U.D.R.L.C.) seeks to amplify the participation of Catholics in Ulster County along with allies such as the Bruderhof Communities for the pro-life cause, the Committee's third annual Forty Hours Devotion of Solemn Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was moved to Our Lady of Fatima Church (Plattekill, N.Y) from April 11 to 13, after having been celebrated in November 2021 at Presentation Church (Port Ewen) and in April 2023 at St. Mary's Church (Kingston).  "In the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court that remanded the issue of abortion-on-demand to the states in June 2022, the U.D.R.L.C. wanted to raise awareness that New York had legalized abortion on April 11, 1970, about three years before the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in January 1973," explained Robert D. Smith, Jr., a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima Church who headed the hosting team of the Forty Hour Devotion at Plattekill.  "Given that abortion is firstly an issue of whom we treat as fully human in our society and from what point, our Committee believes that reparation must be made to God before we can seek justice for the preborn child and compassion for distressed expectant mothers in New York," stated Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator-Spiritual Director of the U.D.R.L.C.

Starting with a Mass of Exposition on the afternoon of April 11th celebrated by Fr. Rojas and concelebrated by Fr. Paul Jibrin, the priest stationed at Our Lady of Fatima, the Blessed Sacrament (a consecrated Host containing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) was exposed for adoration for 40 hours with the themes of reparation for the 54 years of legal abortion in New York, praying for the conversion of New Yorkers both high and low towards the pro-life cause, and for divine blessing of the efforts of Catholic and other prolifers in Ulster County and elsewhere towards defending human life and dignity from conception until natural death.  "It is impressive that hundreds of people within Ulster County and even from other places came to Plattekill throughout the forty hours, whether day or night, for this combination of Eucharistic adoration and the cause of social justice and human rights via the prolife cause," observed Fr. Rojas.  Added Mr. Smith, "The Spirit of God was palpable, you couldn't help but be moved.  The Forty Hours Devotion was life-changing" for many parishioners who participated.  

The Forty Hours Devotion concluded on the morning of Saturday, April 13th with Solemn Exposition by Fr. Jibrin and then the Mass of the morning.  The U.D.R.L.C. intends to carry the devotion into next year so long as abortion remains legal in New York state.  Indeed, the U.D.R.L.C. is active on other pro-life issues such as combating the threat of euthanasia with the proposed "assited suicide" bill pending in Albany (A.995/S.2445).  Finally, the Committee is readying itself to actively back the NO campaign on the "Equality Amendment" on the ballot this November that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution.  A picture of the Forty Hours Devotion attached to this release can be seen below.
As covered by the Good Newsroom 
(News website of the Archdiocese of New York)


Annual Pro-Life Signature Ad in Daily Freeman (Kingston) Fills Two Pages of April 14 Issue, Exceeding 1,400 Names


By: The Good Newsroom

“The amount represents a gain of nine percent over the previous year’s ad in the Daily Freeman,” announced Father Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator-Spiritual Director of the UDRLC

Two full pages of the Daily Freeman, the daily newspaper of Kingston, the county seat of Ulster County, featured the signatures of more than 1,400 individuals in support of the pro-life declaration of the [http://www.ulsterdeaneryrespect life.org]Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (UDRLC) on Sunday, April 14, in mournful commemoration of April 11, 1970, the date when abortion was legalized in New York by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Photo courtesy of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee.

Two full pages of the Daily Freeman, the daily newspaper of Kingston, the county seat of Ulster County, featured the signatures of more than 1,400 individuals in support of the pro-life declaration of the [http://www.ulsterdeaneryrespect life.org]Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (UDRLC) on Sunday, April 14, in mournful commemoration of April 11, 1970, the date when abortion was legalized in New York by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Photo courtesy of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee.

KINGSTON — Two full pages of the Daily Freeman, the daily newspaper of Kingston, the county seat of Ulster County, featured the signatures of more than 1,400 individuals in support of the pro-life declaration of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee (UDRLC) on Sunday, April 14, in mournful commemoration of April 11, 1970, the date when abortion was legalized in New York by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. “The amount represents a gain of nine percent over the previous year’s ad in the Daily Freeman,” announced Father Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator-Spiritual Director of the UDRLC.

For decades, the UDRLC has made a practice of taking its “Signature Ad” annually on the pages of the Daily Freeman as a statement of protest and determination in the wake of the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that established abortion on demand as a constitutional right across the United States, usually in the Sunday issue nearest to the January 22 anniversary of that ruling. “However, with the Dobbs v. Jackson decision of the U.S. Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade in 2022 and returning the abortion issue to the states,” stated Father Rojas, “our committee decided to raise awareness of the anniversary of April 11, 1970 as the start of the tragedy of abortion on demand in New York. In light of the “Equality Amendment” on the ballot in November seeking to enshrine abortion on demand in our state constitution, our Signature Ad this year is especially relevant and timely.”

The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee aims to coordinate the spiritual and practical pro-life activities of Catholics of the 14 parishes in Ulster County and allied people of good will such as the Bruderhof Communities.

The UDRLC intends to cooperate with New Yorkers of all faiths concerned over preborn human life and parental rights to urge Ulsterites and New Yorkers to vote no on the so-called “Equality Amendment” this November.

To participate in the 40 Hours for Life Adoration you can contact your parish representative or you may sign up individually on-line at:


Simply click on the green button and choose the time slot you would like to volunteer for. 

Either an email address or a cellphone number is required so that we can send you a reminder.

          The Eucharistic Jesus loves it when you visit Him! 

Stop by Our Lady of Fatima Church, 1250 State Route 32, Plattekill, New York for 40 hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! Sponsored by the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee and hosted by Our Lady of Fatima Parish. No preregistration required, just stop by, even if only for half an hour.

    U.D.R.L.C. Takes on Assisted Suicide Bill in Albany

3/12/24. Albany, New York -

Under the leadership of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee, a committed delegation of ten Ulster Catholics joined hundreds of New Yorkers at a rally today by the New York Alliance Against Assisted Suicide at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. In addition to our delegates being hosted by Assemb. Brian Maher on the floor of the Assembly chamber, a number of delegates went to register objections to the "Medical Aid in Dying" bill (A.995/S.2445) at the Albany offices of Assemb. Sarahana Shrestha and Sen. Michelle Hinchey. This rally also provided our Committee with an opportunity to raise our profile and to meet activists from different parts of New York State. "Our presence in Albany today is one more step towards more assertive advocacy for our disabled, elderly, lonely, and poor New Yorkers in a broad Prolife resistance to the prescription of death by political and corporate interests," stated Fr. Arthur Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee.   (Pictures were taken by Trevor Jones)


                                               Click on the link below to read the article with a subscription: 

                                       Response to Medical Aid in Dying bill published in Shawangunk Journal.

March For Life – Washington D.C.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Below, you will find a link to the Archdiocese of New York Respect Life Office '2024 March for Life' page.  Here you will find information regarding buses that are scheduled to depart from specific areas within the Archdiocese for those who would like to attend the 2024 March for Life in Washington D.C. .  There is also information regarding opportunities for local prayer and witness for this important date.  

March For Life - January 19th, 2024 - Washington D.C.


Jan. 5, 2024 (Esopus, N.Y.)  -  The Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee reminds Catholics and other Ulsterites of good will that Monday, January 22 is the annual National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children declared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in light of the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 22, 1973 that imposed abortion-on-demand across America.  Although the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling in June 2022 by the High Court returned the abortion issue to the states, our struggle continues to restore legal and social protection to preborn human children.  "That struggle is firstly spiritual and involves prayers or reparation as well as for the conversion of our beloved country to the Gospel of Life over the Culture of Death," stated by Fr. Arthur F. Rojas, Moderator and Spiritual Director of the Committee.

Thus, the Committee is pleased to note that a Special Mass for the National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children will be offered on Monday, January 22nd at 11:30 a.m., Sacred Heart Church, 1055 Broadway, Esopus, New York.  Confessions will be heard from 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.  We encourage all Catholic parishes in Ulster County to publicize their observances of the National Day of Prayer and we welcome the prayers and other cooperation of Ulster residents of other religions.  



Stay tuned as the Ulster Deanery Respect Life Committee joins other New Yorkers of different faiths and even no faith to oppose this attempt to enshrine abortion-on-demand into our state constitution as a fundamental right.  In light of what happened in Ohio last fall, it is imperative that Catholics in Ulster County - clerics, religious, and lay people alike - lift our hands in prayer and our voices in advocacy against this hideous maneuver to grant constitutional status to the intrinsic evil and mortal sin of abortion, which denies the humanity of the preborn child, corrupts the practice of medicine and morality, strips parents of their right and duty to care for their minor children, and peddles a bloody and regretful answer to women and others who may be in distress.  Our Committee looks forward to cooperating with various groups and persons of pro-life good will or who care about the integrity of our state constitution or the rights of parents against this vile, inhumane amendment.


Good Counsel Homes | 600 Meadowlands Parkway Suite 251 | Secaucus, NJ 07094 US / 6-4-2024

Good Counsel Welcomes Two More Babies. 20 in Total For This Year.

 A beautiful little one moved into our Spring Valley home! Ayoola was born on Friday, May 24th. She was 4lbs 3oz at birth and was 17 3/4" long. She was in the NICU for one week but was discharged on 5/31.

The Bronx home welcomed sweet Ruth Blessing on June 1st, weighing 6lbs 9oz and measuring 20 inches long.



FEC greenlights unlimited spending for abortion, other ballot measures.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved unlimited foreign and outside spending for ballot initiatives nationwide on Wednesday, a move opposed by some Republicans as Democrats have heavily relied on messaging related to abortion referenda to turn out their votes. The FEC’s six-person panel greenlighted a request from a Nevada-based abortion rights group that will allow PACs and nonprofits to rake in cash for and against ballot measures — including from overseas and so-called “dark money” donors, which is illegal for individual candidates and their fundraising committees under federal campaign finance law. Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom requested the change to solicit unlimited funding for its political action committee and nonprofit while collecting signatures to secure a Nov. 5 ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in the Silver State’s constitution. Political candidates are also allowed to fundraise for any state-level initiatives following the opinion — giving Democrats a potent line of attack on abortion issues after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade. The law firm of powerhouse Democratic elections attorney Marc Elias submitted the request on behalf of the Nevada group in February.



More than half of all abortions that occur in the U.S. are performed chemically, involving two “abortion pills,” Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is currently legal in NY for retail pharmacies to mail abortion pills with a prescription via tele-health. CVS and Walgreens have already obtained their certification to dispense abortion pills. Walgreens started providing medication abortions in NY. Giant retail pharmacies are more likely to undergo the expensive certification process than independent privately owned family pharmacies. Chemical abortion kills human beings and increases health risks for women. Retail pharmaceutical sale of abortion pills is deadly for unborn children and harmful for women. As long as privately owned pharmacies continue to resist selling abortion pills, we will continue to PROMOTE AND SUPPORT them.





Pro-abortion groups are working to get abortion pills to pregnant woman via internet consultations side stepping state pro-life laws. Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists warn against taking the pill without medical supervision which is becoming more common.

  • The pill may result in dangerous health complications or even maternal mortalities. The abortion industry is downplaying the risks.
  • Using telemedicine, without an ultrasound, misdating a pregnancy, which is targeted at 10 weeks gestation or less, may result in a need to complete the abortion surgically. After 13 weeks, the chances of surgical completion are one out of three.
  • Medical abortion will not end an undetected ectopic pregnancy. If the embryo ruptures the fallopian tube, thinking the symptoms are those expected during medical abortion, a mother may not seek medical care. That could lead to a life threating situation for her.
  • Abortion pills are being marketed as a good substitute for women who are remote from healthcare access. If it takes an aborting woman two hours to get to a hospital for emergency surgical services, it requires more time for her to receive the life-saving emergency care she may need.
  • A blood test is required to screen for Rh compatibility to prevent isoimmunization, an immune reaction. An immune reaction in the next pregnancy results in fetal loss. With a proper diagnosis, it is completely preventable.
  • Doctors warn that telehealth visits are poor substitutes for in-office exams. The danger that the woman on the other end may not be the person the medication is intended for. This may result in abuse by coerced or forced abortions.
  • Doctors warn that mothers may not be prepared to view the remains of the child.



Commentary: No-test medication abortion: A sample protocol for increasing access during a pandemic and beyond

Clinicians using the no-test approach to MA (medical abortion) should have a plan for managing or referring patients.


LIVE ACTION / 6-10-2024

 A Tennessee school board unanimously approved a curriculum that includes ‘Baby Olivia.’ The updated curriculum follows the requirements of a new law signed last month by Governor Bill Lee. The “Baby Olivia” Act requires that either an animated video or ultrasound video be shown during family life classes, and the “Meet Baby Olivia” video was included in Science Hill High School’s family life curriculum. The Board of Education made the updated curriculum available to parents for review.



With so many needs in our country, the U.S. Senate’s leadership has chosen in recent weeks to do everything it can to promote abortion, contraception (including abortion-causing “emergency contraception”), and the life-destroying in vitro fertilization (IVF) industry. The Senate will vote on the “Right to IVF Act,” which would make up a new federal “right” to IVF – which treats people like property and has frozen and killed millions of innocent preborn children. The “Right to IVF Act” would also threaten religious freedom by creating a new health insurance mandate to cover IVF (like the “contraceptive mandate” that put the Little Sisters of the Poor in court for over a decade) and could even include other technologies like cloning. Couples’ suffering when experiencing infertility is real. And thankfully, certain other members of Congress are looking toward ethical treatments that can help alleviate this painful experience. They are proposing the “RESTORE Act” to help build more public awareness, data, and support for restorative reproductive medicine that can do better than IVF at solving the underlying causes of couples’ fertility challenges, all within a pro-life and pro-family framework. Please tell your Senators to oppose the “Right to IVF Act” and to support the “RESTORE Act.”

Please also remind them of the ongoing need to turn their focus to policies that put children and families first, and that respond in authentic, life-affirming ways to mothers in need.


PRIESTS FOR LIFE / 6-13-2024

The Supreme Court of the United States released its decision today in the chemical abortion case. Unfortunately, by unanimous decision, the Supreme Court held that the pro-life doctors who brought the case against the abortion drug mifepristone did not have standing to sue. So, the status quo remains. The drug can be dispensed through 10 weeks of pregnancy—though it is known to be used later—and can still be prescribed without an in-person exam and sent to women by mail. Women in states where abortion is banned can receive pills at hotels in abortion-friendly states.

“Today’s decision of the Court does not address the underlying issue that the FDA did act inappropriately, under pressure of the abortion industry,” Pavone said. “Women are still being harmed, babies are still being killed, and the merits of this case still must be decided. It is outrageous that the other side thinks that no one can challenge the FDA’s actions here. They can and will be challenged.”

 RETURN TO ORDER / PO Box 1337, Hanover, PA 17331 /Email: Info@ReturnToOrder.org /Phone: (855) 861-8420

The Court reduced the case to a procedural problem of standing—the right of a party to represent a cause due to direct involvement and injury of a case. The justices claimed the challengers, a group of doctors, had no standing because they could not prove that they sustained “injury in fact” since they had never been forced to provide follow-up care for patients using the medication.

SENATOR RAND PAUL / KY-R / 6-17-2024

Working with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Biden Administration is holding hostage a host of so-called “must-pass” bills in Congress. Abortion funding is hidden in the weeds of all these bills. The American people do not recognize what is going on. Abortionists continue to take in millions of tax dollars from Medicaid by defining abortion as “health care.” The Abortion Lobby’s program includes.

  • 7 billion in taxpayer funding to abortion providers like Planned parenthood under the guise of “community health services”.
  • Pushing taxpayers into buying “government approved” insurance plans that must pay for abortive drugs and procedures.
  • Force taxpayers to spend millions more to promote the abortion industry’s abortifacient drugs.

Most politicians have never had to vote on the elimination of all tax dollars for abortion. An up or down vote on a Zero Tax Dollars for Abortion Act (H.R. 372) would put all politicians on record.


For decades, abortion rights advocates could challenge abortion restrictions in federal court citing Roe v. Wade. With that shield gone, they have instead shifted to bringing their cases in state courts, arguing that bans or restrictions on abortions infringe on women's rights to privacy, liberty or due process guaranteed in state constitutions.

In all states where challenges have been fought to a final ruling from the state's highest court - including in Florida, Idaho, and Texas - new restrictive abortion laws have been upheld. No new ban has been permanently struck down.

Abortion rights: Tracking state lawsuits two years after Roe reversal:

  • Abortion rights advocates are suing to overturn or relax bans on the procedure in 7 states.
  • Abortion rights advocates have sued to preserve access to the abortion pill or opponents have sued to block it in 5 states.
  • Abortion rights advocates are suing to expand or clarify the right to the procedure in medical emergencies in 4 states.
  • Abortion rights advocates are suing to challenge restrictions on travel to end a pregnancy in 3 states.
  • In states where abortion is legal, advocates are challenging laws making abortion more difficult to access in 6 states.


The Supreme Court allows emergency abortions, for now, in Idaho. Thursday’s unsigned order from the justices leaves in place an order by a federal judge in Idaho that temporarily blocks the state from enforcing its abortion ban, which carves out exceptions only to save the life of the mother and in cases of rape or incest, to the extent that it conflicts with a federal law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. That 1986 law requires emergency rooms in hospitals that receive Medicare to provide “necessary stabilizing treatment” to patients who arrive with an “emergency medical condition.” The court’s order did not indicate why the justices had dismissed the case, but a series of concurring and dissenting opinions provided more insight into the justices’ thinking. Five justices – Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett – agreed with the decision to dismiss the case, which will now be returned to the lower courts. Four justices – Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Ketanji Brown Jackson – would have ruled on the merits of the dispute, although Jackson took a different view of those merits than the others. Thursday’s ruling is the second time in less than a month that the court has declined to weigh in on abortion, after overturning the constitutional right to abortion just two years ago. Two weeks ago, the justices ruled – by a vote of 8-1 – that a group of doctors and medical groups opposed to abortion lacked a legal right, known as standing, to challenge the Food and Drug Administration’s expansion of access to mifepristone, which is one of two drugs used in medication abortions. Like the mifepristone dispute, the dispute over the conflict between state law and EMTALA could return to the Supreme Court, but neither is likely to do so before the November 2024 elections.

Personhood Alliance / info@personhood.org 6-30-2024

  • The Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision on the Biden administration's challenge to Idaho's abortion ban. In yet another disappointing decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that babies can be killed in violation of Idaho's pro-life laws when doctors claim the abortion is necessary to provide emergency medical care under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. The EMTLA, which was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan and was only intended to prevent hospitals from turning away indigent patients in emergency situations, was reinterpreted by the Biden administration to supersede Idaho's pro-life law.
  • The abortion pill took center stage for a few brief moments at the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Former President Trump continued to distance himself from the pro-life movement by adopting an increasingly pro-choice position on abortion, this time promising not to support efforts to stop the use of the abortion pill, which is currently used to kill about 2/3 of all abortions.
  • In Iowa, the state supreme court upheld the state's ban on abortion. The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld the state's Fetal Heartbeat Law, allowing it to take effect and protect unborn children from abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, typically around six weeks of gestation. The case escalated to the state’s highest court, which ruled 4-3 in favor of enforcing the law. This decision marks a significant victory for pro-life advocates, placing Iowa among over a dozen states with similar protections.
  • In South Carolina, three pro-abortion Republican state senators who had torpedoed pro-life legislation were voted out through the heroic coordinated efforts of local pro-lifers. Three pro-abortion Republican women lost their primary elections in South Carolina after they filibustered South Carolina's abortion ban late last year. Local pro-lifers did not forget or forgive them for betraying the pro-life movement.

In international news, the abortion numbers out of Ireland are staggering, with the formerly pro-life nation now killing one out of every 6 children before they have the chance to be born. In 2023, over 10,000 abortions were performed in Ireland, the highest annual figure to date, marking a 250% increase since the repeal of the eighth amendment in 2018. This represents a 19% rise from the previous year, with over 36,000 abortions since 2019. The highest numbers occurred in Dublin, followed by Cork and Galway. Pro-life advocates, including Deputy Carol Nolan, describe the situation as an "epidemic of loss," citing a lack of promotion for life-affirming alternatives. Groups like the Life Institute have urged the government to address the increasing abortion rate as a matter of a national emergency.


Casas de buenos consejos | 600 Meadowlands Parkway Suite 251 | Secaucus, Nueva Jersey 07094 EE. UU. / 6-4-2024

Good Counsel da la bienvenida a dos bebés más. 20 en total para este año.

¡Un pequeño hermoso se mudó a nuestra casa en Spring Valley! Ayoola nació el viernes 24 de mayo. Pesó 4 libras y 3 onzas al nacer y medía 17 3/4 pulgadas de largo. Estuvo en la UCIN durante una semana, pero fue dada de alta el 31 de mayo.
La casa del Bronx dio la bienvenida a la dulce Ruth Blessing el 1 de junio, pesando 6 libras y 9 onzas y midiendo 20 pulgadas de largo.


La FEC da luz verde al gasto ilimitado para el aborto y otras medidas electorales.

La Comisión Federal Electoral (FEC) aprobó el miércoles gasto extranjero y externo ilimitado para iniciativas electorales en todo el país, una medida a la que se opusieron algunos republicanos, ya que los demócratas han dependido en gran medida de mensajes relacionados con los referendos sobre el aborto para emitir sus votos. El panel de seis personas de la FEC dio luz verde a una solicitud de un grupo de derechos del aborto con sede en Nevada que permitirá a los PAC y a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro recaudar dinero en efectivo a favor y en contra de las medidas electorales, incluso de donantes extranjeros y del llamado “dinero oscuro”, lo cual es ilegal para candidatos individuales y sus comités de recaudación de fondos según la ley federal de financiamiento de campañas. Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom solicitó el cambio para solicitar fondos ilimitados para su comité de acción política y su organización sin fines de lucro mientras recolectaba firmas para asegurar una iniciativa electoral del 5 de noviembre para consagrar el aborto en la constitución del Estado Plateado. Los candidatos políticos también pueden recaudar fondos para cualquier iniciativa a nivel estatal posterior a la opinión, lo que brinda a los demócratas una potente línea de ataque sobre cuestiones de aborto después de que la decisión Dobbs de la Corte Suprema en junio de 2022 anulara Roe contra Wade. El bufete de abogados del poderoso abogado electoral demócrata Marc Elias presentó la solicitud en nombre del grupo de Nevada en febrero.


Más de la mitad de todos los abortos que ocurren en los EE. UU. se realizan químicamente, involucrando dos “píldoras abortivas”, Mifepristona y Misoprostol. Actualmente es legal en Nueva York que las farmacias minoristas envíen por correo pastillas abortivas con receta a través de telesalud. CVS y Walgreens ya obtuvieron su certificación para dispensar pastillas abortivas. Walgreens comenzó a ofrecer abortos con medicamentos en Nueva York. Las farmacias minoristas gigantes tienen más probabilidades de someterse al costoso proceso de certificación que las farmacias familiares independientes de propiedad privada. El aborto químico mata a seres humanos y aumenta los riesgos para la salud de las mujeres. La venta farmacéutica al por menor de píldoras abortivas es mortal para los fetos y perjudicial para las mujeres. Mientras las farmacias privadas sigan resistiéndose a vender píldoras abortivas, continuaremos PROMOVERLAS Y APOYARLAS.


Los grupos pro-aborto están trabajando para hacer llegar píldoras abortivas a mujeres embarazadas a través de consultas en Internet, evitando las leyes estatales pro-vida. Los obstetras y ginecólogos provida advierten contra la toma de la píldora sin supervisión médica, algo que cada vez es más común.

• La píldora puede provocar complicaciones peligrosas para la salud o incluso mortalidad materna. La industria del aborto está minimizando los riesgos.
• Al utilizar la telemedicina, sin ultrasonido, la fecha errónea de un embarazo, cuyo objetivo es de 10 semanas de gestación o menos, puede resultar en la necesidad de completar el aborto quirúrgicamente. Después de 13 semanas, las posibilidades de que se complete la cirugía son una de cada tres.
• El aborto con medicamentos no pondrá fin a un embarazo ectópico no detectado. Si el embrión rompe la trompa de Falopio, pensando que los síntomas son los esperados durante un aborto con medicamentos, es posible que la madre no busque atención médica. Eso podría conducir a una situación que ponga en peligro su vida.
• Las píldoras abortivas se comercializan como un buen sustituto para las mujeres que se encuentran alejadas del acceso a la atención médica. Si a una mujer que aborta le toma dos horas llegar a un hospital para recibir servicios quirúrgicos de emergencia, necesitará más tiempo para recibir la atención de emergencia que podría necesitar para salvarle la vida.

• Se requiere un análisis de sangre para detectar compatibilidad Rh y prevenir la isoinmunización, una reacción inmune. Una reacción inmune en el próximo embarazo resulta en la pérdida del feto. Con un diagnóstico adecuado es completamente prevenible.
• Los médicos advierten que las visitas de telesalud son malos sustitutos de los exámenes en el consultorio. El peligro de que la mujer del otro lado de la línea no sea la persona a la que está destinado el medicamento. Esto puede dar lugar a abusos mediante abortos forzados o coaccionados.
• Los médicos advierten que es posible que las madres no estén preparadas para ver los restos del niño.


Comentario: Aborto con medicamentos sin prueba: un protocolo de muestra para aumentar el acceso durante una pandemia y más allá
Los médicos que utilizan el enfoque sin pruebas para el AM (aborto con medicamentos) deben tener un plan para tratar o derivar pacientes.

ACCIÓN EN VIVO / 6-10-2024

Una junta escolar de Tennessee aprobó por unanimidad un plan de estudios que incluye 'Baby Olivia'. El plan de estudios actualizado sigue los requisitos de una nueva ley firmada el mes pasado por el gobernador Bill Lee. La Ley “Baby Olivia” requiere que se muestre un video animado o un video de ultrasonido durante las clases de vida familiar, y el video “Meet Baby Olivia” se incluyó en el plan de estudios de vida familiar de Science Hill High School. La Junta de Educación puso el plan de estudios actualizado a disposición de los padres para su revisión.


Con tantas necesidades en nuestro país, el liderazgo del Senado de los Estados Unidos ha decidido en las últimas semanas hacer todo lo posible para promover el aborto, la anticoncepción (incluida la “anticoncepción de emergencia” que provoca abortos) y la industria de la fertilización in vitro (FIV), que destruye vidas. . El Senado votará sobre la “Ley de Derecho a la FIV”, que constituiría un nuevo “derecho” federal a la FIV, que trata a las personas como si fueran propiedad y ha congelado y matado a millones de niños no nacidos inocentes. La “Ley de Derecho a la FIV” también amenazaría la libertad religiosa al crear un nuevo mandato de seguro médico para cubrir la FIV (como el “mandato anticonceptivo” que llevó a las Hermanitas de los Pobres a los tribunales durante más de una década) y podría incluso incluir otras tecnologías. como la clonación. El sufrimiento de las parejas cuando experimentan infertilidad es real. Y afortunadamente, algunos otros miembros del Congreso están buscando tratamientos éticos que puedan ayudar a aliviar esta dolorosa experiencia. Están proponiendo la “Ley RESTORE” para ayudar a generar más conciencia pública, datos y apoyo para la medicina reproductiva restaurativa que puede funcionar mejor que la FIV para resolver las causas subyacentes de los desafíos de fertilidad de las parejas, todo dentro de una estrategia provida y profamilia. estructura. Por favor, dígales a sus senadores que se opongan a la “Ley de Derecho a la FIV” y que apoyen la “Ley RESTORE”.
Recuérdeles también la necesidad constante de centrarse en políticas que pongan a los niños y las familias en primer lugar, y que respondan de manera auténtica y afirmativa a las madres necesitadas.


La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos dio a conocer hoy su decisión en el caso del aborto químico. Desafortunadamente, por decisión unánime, la Corte Suprema sostuvo que los médicos provida que presentaron el caso contra el fármaco abortivo mifepristona no tenían legitimación activa para demandar. Así pues, el statu quo se mantiene. El medicamento se puede dispensar durante las 10 semanas de embarazo (aunque se sabe que se usa más tarde) y aún se puede recetar sin un examen en persona y enviarse a las mujeres por correo. Las mujeres en estados donde el aborto está prohibido pueden recibir pastillas en hoteles en estados favorables al aborto.
“La decisión de hoy de la Corte no aborda la cuestión subyacente de que la FDA actuó de manera inapropiada, bajo la presión de la industria del aborto”, dijo Pavone. “Las mujeres siguen sufriendo daños, los bebés siguen siendo asesinados y aún deben decidirse los méritos de este caso. Es indignante que la otra parte piense que nadie puede cuestionar las acciones de la FDA en este caso. Pueden y serán desafiados”.

DEVOLUCIÓN AL PEDIDO / PO Box 1337, Hanover, PA 17331 / Correo electrónico: Info@ReturnToOrder.org / Teléfono: (855) 861-8420

La Corte redujo el caso a un problema procesal de legitimación activa: el derecho de una parte a representar una causa debido a la participación directa y el daño de un caso. Los jueces afirmaron que los retadores, un grupo de médicos, no tenían legitimación activa porque no podían probar que sufrieron “daños de hecho”, ya que nunca habían sido obligados a brindar atención de seguimiento a los pacientes que usaban el medicamento.

SENADOR RAND PAUL / KY-R / 17-6-2024

En colaboración con el líder de la mayoría del Senado, Chuck Schumer, la administración Biden tiene como rehenes una serie de proyectos de ley llamados “obligatorios” en el Congreso. La financiación del aborto está oculta entre la maleza de todos estos proyectos de ley. El pueblo estadounidense no reconoce lo que está pasando. Los abortistas siguen recaudando millones de dólares de los impuestos de Medicaid al definir el aborto como “atención médica”. El programa del lobby del aborto incluye.
• 7 mil millones en fondos de los contribuyentes para proveedores de servicios de aborto como Planned Parenthood bajo el disfraz de “servicios de salud comunitarios”.
• Presionar a los contribuyentes para que compren planes de seguros “aprobados por el gobierno” que deben pagar los medicamentos y procedimientos abortivos.
• Obligar a los contribuyentes a gastar millones más para promover los medicamentos abortivos de la industria del aborto.
La mayoría de los políticos nunca han tenido que votar sobre la eliminación de todos los impuestos destinados al aborto. Una votación a favor o en contra de una Ley de Cero Impuestos para el Aborto (H.R. 372) dejaría constancia a todos los políticos.


Durante décadas, los defensores del derecho al aborto podían impugnar las restricciones al aborto en un tribunal federal citando Roe v. Wade. Sin ese escudo, han pasado a presentar sus casos ante los tribunales estatales, argumentando que las prohibiciones o restricciones a los abortos infringen los derechos de las mujeres a la privacidad, la libertad o el debido proceso garantizados en las constituciones estatales.
En todos los estados donde se han impugnado un fallo final del tribunal más alto del estado -incluidos Florida, Idaho y Texas- se han confirmado nuevas leyes restrictivas sobre el aborto. No se ha eliminado de forma permanente ninguna nueva prohibición.
Derecho al aborto: seguimiento de las demandas estatales dos años después de la revocación de Roe:
• Los defensores del derecho al aborto están demandando para revocar o relajar las prohibiciones del procedimiento en 7 estados.
• Los defensores del derecho al aborto han presentado demandas para preservar el acceso a la píldora abortiva o sus opositores han presentado demandas para bloquearla en cinco estados.
• Los defensores del derecho al aborto están demandando para ampliar o aclarar el derecho al procedimiento en emergencias médicas en 4 estados.
• Los defensores del derecho al aborto están demandando para impugnar las restricciones a los viajes para interrumpir un embarazo en tres estados.
• En los estados donde el aborto es legal, los defensores están desafiando las leyes que dificultan el acceso al aborto en 6 estados.


La Corte Suprema permite, por ahora, abortos de emergencia en Idaho. La orden no firmada del jueves por los jueces deja vigente una orden de un juez federal en Idaho que bloquea temporalmente al estado para que no haga cumplir su prohibición del aborto, que establece excepciones sólo para salvar la vida de la madre y en casos de violación o incesto, a la en la medida en que entre en conflicto con una ley federal, la Ley de Trabajo y Tratamiento Médico de Emergencia. Esa ley de 1986 exige que las salas de emergencia de los hospitales que reciben Medicare brinden el “tratamiento estabilizador necesario” a los pacientes que llegan con una “condición médica de emergencia”. La orden del tribunal no indicó por qué los magistrados habían desestimado el caso, pero una serie de opiniones concurrentes y disidentes proporcionaron más información sobre el pensamiento de los magistrados. Cinco magistrados (el presidente del Tribunal Supremo, John Roberts, y los magistrados Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh y Amy Coney Barrett) estuvieron de acuerdo con la decisión de desestimar el caso, que ahora será devuelto a los tribunales inferiores. Cuatro jueces (los jueces Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch y Ketanji Brown Jackson) se habrían pronunciado sobre los méritos de la disputa, aunque Jackson adoptó una visión diferente de esos méritos que los demás. El fallo del jueves es la segunda vez en menos de un mes que el tribunal se niega a opinar sobre el aborto, después de revocar el derecho constitucional al aborto hace apenas dos años. Hace dos semanas, los jueces dictaminaron –por 8 votos a 1– que un grupo de médicos y grupos médicos opuestos al aborto carecían del derecho legal, conocido como legitimación activa, para impugnar la ampliación del acceso a la mifepristona por parte de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos, que es uno de los dos medicamentos utilizados en los abortos con medicamentos. Al igual que la disputa por la mifepristona, la disputa sobre el conflicto entre la ley estatal y EMTALA podría regresar a la Corte Suprema, pero es probable que ninguno de los dos lo haga antes de las elecciones de noviembre de 2024.

Alianza de personalidad / info@personhood.org 30-06-2024

• La Corte Suprema emitió su tan esperada decisión sobre la impugnación por parte de la administración Biden de la prohibición del aborto en Idaho. En otra decisión decepcionante, la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos dictaminó que se puede matar a bebés en violación de las leyes provida de Idaho cuando los médicos afirman que el aborto es necesario para brindar atención médica de emergencia según la Ley de Trabajo y Tratamiento Médico de Emergencia. La EMTLA, que fue promulgada por el presidente Ronald Reagan y cuyo único objetivo era evitar que los hospitales rechazaran a pacientes indigentes en situaciones de emergencia, fue reinterpretada por la administración Biden para reemplazar la ley provida de Idaho.
• La píldora abortiva ocupó protagonismo por unos breves momentos en el primer debate presidencial entre Joe Biden y Donald Trump. El expresidente Trump siguió distanciándose del movimiento provida al adoptar una posición cada vez más pro-elección sobre el aborto, esta vez prometiendo no apoyar los esfuerzos para detener el uso de la píldora abortiva, que actualmente se utiliza para matar a aproximadamente 2/3 de las personas. de todos los abortos.
• En Iowa, la corte suprema del estado confirmó la prohibición estatal del aborto. La Corte Suprema de Iowa confirmó la Ley de Latidos Fetales del estado, permitiéndole entrar en vigor y proteger a los niños no nacidos del aborto una vez que se detecta un latido fetal, generalmente alrededor de las seis semanas de gestación. El caso llegó al tribunal más alto del estado, que falló 4-3 a favor de hacer cumplir la ley. Esta decisión marca una victoria significativa para los defensores provida, colocando a Iowa entre más de una docena de estados con protecciones similares.
• En Carolina del Sur, tres senadores estatales republicanos pro-aborto que habían torpedeado la legislación pro-vida fueron eliminados gracias a los heroicos esfuerzos coordinados de los pro-vida locales. Tres mujeres republicanas pro-aborto perdieron sus elecciones primarias en Carolina del Sur después de que obstruyeron la prohibición del aborto en Carolina del Sur a fines del año pasado. Los provida locales no los olvidaron ni los perdonaron por traicionar al movimiento provida.
• En las noticias internacionales, las cifras de abortos en Irlanda son asombrosas: la antigua nación provida ahora mata a uno de cada seis niños antes de que tengan la oportunidad de nacer. En 2023, se realizaron más de 10.000 abortos en Irlanda, la cifra anual más alta hasta la fecha, lo que supone un aumento del 250 % desde la derogación de la octava enmienda en 2018. Esto representa un aumento del 19 % con respecto al año anterior, con más de 36.000 abortos desde 2019. Las cifras más altas se produjeron en Dublín, seguida de Cork y Galway. Los defensores de la vida, incluida la diputada Carol Nolan, describen la situación como una "epidemia de pérdidas", citando una falta de promoción de alternativas que afirman la vida. Grupos como el Life Institute han instado al gobierno a abordar la creciente tasa de abortos como una cuestión de emergencia nacional.



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